Mark all email as “Read”. No more pesky numbers above the Mail icon.

You may see a number above you Mail icon on you iPhone.


The number above the Mail app means that you have not read that many emails.


If you are using IOS7, you can remove that number quickly and easily. 



Also, when you open your email app you may see a blue dot next to unread emails.


The blue dot means that you have not opened and not read that email.



Here is what to do i IOS7.


Open the email app.


Make sure you are in “All Inboxes”.


Look at the top right of your screen and locate the “Edit” button.


Tap the Edit button and notice that a “Mark All” text appears in the lower left screen.


When you tap the “Mark All ” button you will have two options.


If you choose “Mark as Read” all the blue buttons will disappear and the number above the Mail icon will disappear. 


This action does not delete your mail!


Notice that I have 352 “unread” emails.  And I do not want to delete each one “individually”.

Tap the Mail icon and open Mail.




At this screen, tap the “Edit” button in the top right corner.


Notice the “Mark All” in the lower left corner.  Tap on the  words “Mark All” !


Tap on “Mark as Read” and you will not see any numbers above the Mail icon and you will not see any “blue dots next to any of your emails.  None of your emails will be deleted. 

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